中国新闻网讯 新西兰最具有影响力的商业协会之一,新西兰雇主和制造商协会首席执行官欧百利(Brett O"Riley)近日接受中新网专访时表示,在《区域全面经济伙伴关系协定》(RCEP)以及《中国-新西兰自贸协定》框架下,中国和新西兰有许多合作机会有待探索。
Through RCEP and the free trade agreement that New Zealand and China have in place, there are many opportunities for the two countries to explore, said Brett O"Riley, chief executive of the Employers & Manufacturers Association (EMA), New Zealand"s largest business association, in an interview with China News Network.
O"Riley pointed out that New Zealand can draw experiences from China in areas like horticulture and clean energy. He mentioned that the technology of indoor cherry cultivation by Chinese enterprises has left a deep impression on him. In the context of climate change, this technology is crucial for ensuring food security, while New Zealand is still in the early stages of this technology.
Additionally, O"Riley noted that China has made tremendous progress in clean technology. He hopes that China can work together with other countries in the Asia-Pacific region to help improve the environment, reduce carbon footprint, and expand those opportunities to some of the smaller countries.
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